
Welcome to my blog. I hope that you enjoy it. My goal is to keep everyone posted as to my sewing and things that will be sold in my store at
I'll also blog about other things that interest me like my family, cooking (sharing receipes), things I learn along the way, etc. Hope you all enjoy.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Well I need to let the cat out of the bag.  If it seems that I am slacking in my blogging this might help explain a little bit of it.

We are moving.  We just don't know when for sure.  We have to be out of our house by the 31st since that is when we told our landlords we would be out.  We are now waiting to be told when we can move into the place we will soon call home for the foreseeable future.  So we are packing.  Packing boxes, cleaning the house, making phone calls, and just trying to get as much done as we can.

It is looking like we will be able to start moving this Friday or next Monday but it isn't a for sure thing yet. 

Yana has had a fever for the last couple of days and I'm not sure if she is teething or sick.  A fever is the only symptom that she has.  No coughing, no runny nose, nothing.  Just feverish. Oh and moody.  When she is awake she wants held so I have been using her nap time as my get things done around the house time instead of my sewing time. 

The garage is full of boxes.  The nice thing is that the house that we are moving into now is right around the corner so we don't have to box up every little thing.  The house is bigger and that is why we are moving.  We need more space.  The garage is bigger, there are more rooms, there is a window in the kitchen, more windows period so there is more light and it is just plain bigger.  We are so excited.

I'll keep you all posted and try to keep blogging away.  Have a great day.

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