
Welcome to my blog. I hope that you enjoy it. My goal is to keep everyone posted as to my sewing and things that will be sold in my store at
I'll also blog about other things that interest me like my family, cooking (sharing receipes), things I learn along the way, etc. Hope you all enjoy.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wednesday - sorry no recipe today

Ok as you might have noticed I have been slacking a little (ok maybe a lot) with my blogging.  I have been so tired all the time lately and I don't know why.  I get up with my husband at 6 and then when he leaves for work I right back to bed until 8.  I was getting up at 5:20 to go for a jog or bike ride but it is all I can do to get out of bed.  It doesn't help that when my alarm goes off and I look at the window it is dark outside.  I don't like to run in the dark.

Well I had set a goal Monday to take my kids to the park every morning this week.  Ya so far I'm failing.  Yesterday I was so tired that I didn't want to walk to the park.  I just wanted to sit on my rear and do that is what we did.  I read books, had sword fights with my daughter, taunted Yana into crawling to me, and that was about it.

I told my husband last night that I had to go to bed so I could get up this morning and go for a jog.  So, my alarm went off, I hit snooze, it went off and then I just turned it off and rolled over because it was dark outside.  Thankfully my husband saved me because he had to get up anyways and told me to get out of bed.  I love him so much.  I didn't get a very long run in but I did get a mile in and it felt great.  It was dark and I kept seeing lightning flashes to the west and then it started to sprinkle so I headed home.  Thankfully I made it home because it started raining harder and harder until we had an all out downpour around 7. 

As far as the Biggest Loser goals we have going on.  I have lost 10 pounds.  I am down to 190.8 and just have to get past that wall.

I am still planning on the 32+ mile ride in Idaho and am so excited for it.  I'm really enjoying the cross training variety that I am doing.

Things are good.  I am hoping the rain stops so we ca go out today.  We need to get out of the house.  I hope that you all have a good day.  I will continue the recipes in August after we get back from our vacation.

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