
Welcome to my blog. I hope that you enjoy it. My goal is to keep everyone posted as to my sewing and things that will be sold in my store at
I'll also blog about other things that interest me like my family, cooking (sharing receipes), things I learn along the way, etc. Hope you all enjoy.

Monday, November 5, 2012


How was your weekend?  Mine was great.  My husband got back from Texas Friday night and we got some stuff done in the garage.  Then Saturday I went to our ward Super Saturday.  We started off with a brunch and visiting.  Then we had some classes.  I really learned a lot from the classes.  After the classes we got set up to do our crafts.  I did glass etching.  I took three of my kitchen glass cooking pans and etched my last name on them.  It was really easy and will be very helpful in the future to have our name on them.  I loved being able to visit with everyone and get to know some of the people I pass in the hall on Sunday but don't have a lot of time to stop and visit with.

After Super Saturday I went home and we worked in the garage some more.  My husband is building us some night stands for our bedroom and we are trying to get them finished.  The first one is about ready to stain and call good.  The second one we haven't started yet.  After dinner we went to Home Depot to get the hardware for the first night stand and while there we bought one of those outside fire places.  The ones that have legs and you a bowl so you can burn stuff in it on your porch.  After the girls went to bed we sat out on our porch for a while with a fire going.  It was so relaxing and a lot of fun.  It is also a great way to help us use some of the spare pieces of wood that we can't use anymore. 

Sunday was good.  My husband taught a great lesson.  The testimonies were wonderful to hear and we had an awesome lesson in Young Women's.  I'm am so thankful for the Gospel in my life and the lessons they are helping teach me and my family.

My upper respiratory infection is slowly going away thanks to a z pack.  The weather is would be even better if Oklahoma could figure out if it wants to be in the 60's or 80's.  I have a wonderful family.  We have a good job, a nice house, and wonderful friends.  How much better can life get.

Have a great Monday.  I'll let ya know if I get any sewing that Yana is no longer taking naps.

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